Saturday, December 26

Dec. 26

it's 7:19 as i start writing this, and the date is dec. 26, and i am sitting in my apartment in casper. cat link is on my lap, while cat lexus is lying at my feet on the other end of the couch. i've got 30 rock season 3 playing in another window on my laptop, my pretty christmas tree is lit and i've got a few candles going. i've also finished off the very last little bit of my fireball whiskey in my current mug of hot chocolate, which is sitting beside me on a footstool. there are 10 inches of fresh snow outside, and not a breath of wind.

yep, i haven't made it to the parents' in iowa yet. the trip won't begin tomorrow, either - perhaps monday. at the moment eastern wyoming and western nebraska roads are closed, so we couldn't try if we wanted to.

meanwhile, i am relaxing here at the place and researching costs of photo printers, one of which i've decided i want. after 143985743802 trips to try to get some photos printed for christmas gifts, to no avail.

i spent christmas day at the association with the martinez clan, and it was a quite good time. we ate dinner, sat around and visited with everyone, then played cards for about three or four hours. a game called phase 10.

yesterday i came into town to check the road situation, and i came across these pretty horses along the road. they're bucking stock, belonging to a local rodeo stock contractor. it was a perfect christmas moment, and the last photo is my favorite.

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