Saturday, March 26

A gift from Uncle Bobby

On Wednesday Bob and Jamie went to Riverton to order some spurs, and then they made a side trip to Thermopolis and White Horse Feed, where Bob had had his eye on this kids' saddle since the weekend before.

Later in the day Bob stopped by the house and brought the saddle along with him - a wonderful gift for our Baby Martinez!

It's pretty much guaranteed that any and all of our kids will begin riding as soon as they're able to sit up, and this saddle will be a great piece of tack to have around as they grow into and get to know the horses. It doesn't look that small in the photos, because it's perfectly proportioned and well-made, unlike most cheap kids' saddles. It's only got about a 12-inch seat, where most regular saddles have 16-inch seats or bigger.

Scott and I are very grateful for this generous gift from Uncle Bob, as it's a quality piece of equipment we'll be able to use for years to come.

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