Monday, April 25

A strange human

One thing that's guaranteed - if you were to go lie down on the ground in the midst of a bunch of mother cows and calves, you would get some funny looks. When they're used to seeing people horseback or in pickups, it definitely piques their interest when some crazy girl comes out and lies down to take their pictures.

But it's a great way to get them to come close and take a look. The calves strike some pretty good poses for photographing.

I had a long weekend last weekend, encompassing a meeting on Cody about brucellosis on Thursday, helping with some ranch work at Owl Creek northwest of Thermopolis on Friday and branding at that same place Saturday. Sunday morning I drove to Lander to go to Easter service with my sister and enjoy an Easter dinner with a group of her friends at her house. We moved the dinner table outdoors, and it was a lovely lunch!

After the cows on Owl Creek were fed Friday morning I took advantage of some downtime to get some calf photos.

I intend to edit these in color, also, and give them to our designer for the paper so she has more stock photos to choose from. A newspaper can never have too many stock photos, and she always appreciates getting new ones.

Getting good photos of black calves is a challenge, as it's easy for them to all just turn out as black silhouettes. Hopefully I got a few that will print ok in the paper.

The cows weren't too concerned with my wanderings around.

Given this cow's manners, I doubt her calf will learn to chew with his mouth shut, either. :-)

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend! Ours was busy, but the weather was gorgeous for all of our travels and outdoor activities.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Scott that I loved seeing all of the calves with ear tags! :)
